Free Wi-Fi

Available everywhere
Fast data transmission
Free of charge
Easy login

Free Wi-Fi

Free surfing

Browse the internet free of charge for as long as you want! We are pleased to offer our visitors free Wi-Fi throughout the Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle. Whether you are in the foyer, the conference rooms or halls, this free service is available in all locations.

Ideal for emails, video chats or online searches. Fast data transmission speeds ensure smooth browsing.

No password is required to log in to our Wi-Fi network. Access is easy. Search for our “Liederhalle” hotspot in your Wi-Fi networks. Then click on this network to get started.

Your enquiry

Event details
Personal details
Kultur- & Kongresszentrum Liederhalle
  • Berliner Platz 1-3
  • D - 70174 Stuttgart

You want to share an event or information quickly with a friend or colleague? Use our share function and share our content quickly and easily via social media or messenger.

Green, greener, Green event

We offer you the best conditions for your climate-friendly event: with our own sustainability concept and a well thought-out range for green events!
